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The Prayer & Worship Story


We have always been guided by this spiritual truth "apart from God we can do nothing." We firmly believe that prayer for the work, the missionaries and organization opens up the miraculous work of God and exposes us to the supernatural. Our many disadvantages as believers from a third world nation no longer become an issue and an insurmountable challenge  to do global mission work. We found the key to overcoming the impossible lies in this amazing truth - prayer brings our God Almighty to the picture. 

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About us


We are the Global Intercessors, the prayer ministry of International Teams Philippines. We are the back up prayer team of the Missionaries in the nations where they are serving.


Global Intercessors started with a dream on 2004 linked to a prophetic word from the Lord on Psalm 2:8 and Jeremiah 1:10 which is in line with the prophetic mandate of God to our nation, that the Philippines will be a missionary sending nation.


We believe that prayer is the most powerful weapon to help our missionaries overcome  cross-culture,  language and racial barriers. No walls are strong enough or high enough to keep out prayer. Through prayer we collaborate with God in establishing his kingdom here on earth.


God has designed prayer as the means by which we can determine the destiny of men's soul and the direction the world is heading to.  He is the one who knows the season of men's life and the God who calls and sends the laborers when the field is ripe for harvesting.



We are mobile gate keepers and intercessors, holding the key of the kingdom of heaven for the fulfillment of God's agenda to the ends of the earth.



1.Mobilize - End times global prayer warriors.

2.Equip - Prophetic global intercessors for the Glory of God.

3.Mission care - give encouragement and fan the flame of intercession at all times

4..Establish 24/7 Power House of Prayer

5. Prayer Journey - stepping on the nations we are praying for


A great task laid in our hearts is to participate with the passion of Jesus, our Great Intercessor to reach the lost and hopeless of the world, to feel the heartbeat of the Father for his plan and purpose for all mankind and to receive the power of the Holy Spirit in manifesting His signs, wonders and miracles to the ends of the earth.

Meet The Core Team

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Ptr. Rossana  Sadogio

Head & Vision Keeper

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Sis Jheg Fontanilla

Admin. Assistant

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Ptr. Doreza Osareimen

Admin. Assistant

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The Core Leaders

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Ptr. Mariano Sadogio

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Ptra. Elizabeth Hapin

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Sis. Lailani Labra

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Sis. Susan Paler


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Ptra. Au Manuel

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1213 Cardona St., Poblacion, Makati City



We would like to cover you at all times with our prayers. We would appreciate it so much if you could entrust to us the items that you would like us to lift up to heaven for you. 

Thanks for submitting! God bless you!

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