In 2016, Sister Abby Abuan started working in the IT office as an admin staff. She had the passion to serve God wherever He leads her. When she was starting in IT Philippines, she would often hear testimonies of other missionaries and how God provided for their trips as they go overseas. She was inspired by those missionaries who solely depended on God when it came to financial matters. She wanted to know what it was like for God to provide for her when she was in other countries. That desire left a great impression on her heart. She later learned that all she needs to do is ask her Father in Heaven. Every time Sister Abby goes on short-term mission trips it is usually funded by her family or sometimes, she would use her savings for her trips. She didn’t have to worry about the finances when she traveled but she felt she was missing out on something in her walk of faith. She sought after the extraordinary blessings of God for her. She wanted to experience what others had. Once again, that desire was awakened. It’s been two years since she's been working in IT Philippines when she decided to expect the remarkable miracles of God. “Lord, I want to experience your provision!” Sister Abby declared. But she told no one. It was the year 2018 when someone asked her "Do you have a mission trip this year? The Lord told me to pay for your airfare". Sister Abby was so thrilled to have experienced what she was longing for. But that was just the beginning of more miracles in her life. She went to Malaysia to personally meet the other missionaries and to handle the Access 2 Training. She stayed for five days in Malaysia and her needs there were also provided for.
After the Access Training, she went to Brunei. She was introduced to a very generous church that hosted her for two days. She was booked into a hotel, with free meals and an exclusive tour! She didn't spend a dime while she was there. Sister Abby was so overwhelmed by God's amazing provision for her during her trips. She thanked the Lord and got more encouraged to expect more from God. Nobody knew what she desired but God gave it to her the moment she asked. But that wasn’t the end of God’s blessings in her life. During the conference in Taiwan someone paid for her round-trip ticket, and she would often receive a monetary blessing whenever someone shakes her hand. Her heart is filled with joy knowing how much God loves her and listens to her. She believes that wherever God leads her, He will always shower His favor upon her.
How amazing our God is! He is the God who answers our prayers and gives the desires of our hearts. We are so blessed to serve a God who cares about our desires and grants them to us as we put Him first above all things in our hearts. He doesn’t owe us anything, yet He delights to respond to our prayers. How wonderful is the Lord!
Matthew 7:7
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
(Written by: Venus Jablo)