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Greetings from Osaka, Japan!!!

I woke up this morning feeling excited for this month of August. The things that are happening here and across the nations opened my eyes wide to see that our missions mobilization is expanding at an amazing pace and scale.

We have just formed GMC Toyota Japan & GMC Osaka Japan with the vision of missions mobilization spreading throughout this nation. We have also recently given full recognition to GMC Vietnam and have accredited GMC’s in Thailand, Hong kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc …Those who were in our Tentmakers Conference witnessed a historic event in Vietnam where 45 Vietnamese believers and leaders took part in our event and most became IT global missionaries. In tears, their leaders were describing the extremely difficult years when the believers were heavily persecuted, some were put to jail, threatened; and all that they can do then was pray . They prayed that the day will come when they will see themselves no longer afraid and will be built up to serve God across the nations too. Now, they talk boldly about their vision of over a million Vietnamese missionaries who will go to nations with the gospel of Jesus. They are so excited !! I see signs that this amazing story will also happen in the other GMC led nations. Without any doubt, all our mobilization effort was not in vain!!!

With excitement and great expectations, i wish to remind all of you of your respective commitment to mobilize our nation for global missions. I am witnessing the amazing work of GOD extending beyond our work in the Phils and spreading fast to the nations. We all know the saying” strike while the iron is hot” which simply means “give your all and your best when the opportunity arises” . I encourage all of you to join hands and give your best in advancing our mobilization work in this special Kairos moment, I am really upbeat and so excited for this month and I believe that I could see a hundred percent contribution from all of you, meaning each GMC will have at least ONE Access seminar for the month of August.

There are a growing number of leaders from different orgs who took notice of what is going on and are describing our work as “ a divine movement that is building up to a scale that no nation has seen before.” They are not exaggerating ! We are really drawing closer to the actual fulfillment of the decades long prophecy to our nation, “the Phils will be a missionary sending nation”… on a God scale!! It will be an event on a level that all people who witness it will declare that “it is the work of the Almighty God!!!”

It will be a magnificent event that will resound with the declaration “no eye has seen and no ear has heard” what God would do to those who placed fully their trust in Him. We will have the special privilege to be a part of this amazing event.

Just like in Nehemiah’s time, they sensed the opportune time to do what was thought of for many years as an impossible task; and that is to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Their united agreement and commitment to do their respective parts brought about one of the biggest miracles of that time - they accomplished the impossible at a mind boggling time of only a few weeks. All surrounding nations saw it and were struck with fear for the nation of Israel for they recognized that it was accomplished through the help of God.

This is our divine opportunity to do the same thing . Let’s build the impossible !! Each missions seminar that you organize is like a huge chunk of brick that will be added to the fast forming wall . We’ll add one brick, per GMC, at a time until we see our dream take full form at a pace that no mind will be able to comprehend how it was achieved.

I have instructed sis Ynah, our training coordinator, to remind all of you to submit already the information on your Access seminar schedule for this month of August .

Let’s all do our part . Let us mobilize the whole nation for global missions. Let us do the impossible with the help of our God.

This is our Kairos moment !!

Ptr, Gani Sison

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