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As of  December 2021, our ITeams Filipino missionaries have set foot and ministered to people in  over 80 countries already.  There are still a lot of nations left for us to aim for in the pursuit of our Global Filipino Dream.  We feel the need to engage our people for missions to the unreached countries in our global dream map.  So, we continue the search for the chosen ones.  The believers who will be willing and wanting to invest their time, resources and whole life for this very important missions agenda. We are looking for men and women who have the heart and desire to take on the challenges.  The coming months will be full of activities in preparation for our mission trips to  East and South Asia, Russia, Europe,  and other parts of the world.  We invite you to come and join us, dream with us and live out the miracles ... with us! 

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Bless Canada is a long term mission program open only to active ITPhils missionaries. The aim is to encourage church planting activities for the advancement of the kingdom of God in this nation. The initial phase starts of with a minimum of two months mission work under a program designed to determine church planting locations and church partners.  Our partner organizations and churches  will be the offical hosts of the program ...


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An exciting short term exposure trip to Albania intended to expose the Filipinos to the Albanian/Balkan ministries of IT. Our team leader will guide the group to the various ministry locations  and  introduce them to the long term ministry possibilities in the region. Side trips to the Netherlands and other European countries are part of the available options.

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This United Kingdom Short Term Mission Trip will start on mid-August with a  one week ministry exposure to various Filipino churches in London.


On the second week, the team will proceed to another location for the start of their involvement with a hosting church. They are expected to assist the church in their evangelistic efforts and other church related activities in their community.


The mission trip will culminate in a visit to our IT United Kingdom partners for fellowship with our British counterparts.


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A two-week mission trip to Seoul designed to provide our active IT missionaries with a view and feel of South Korea as they consider the country for long term service. 

All non-active IT missionaries desiring to explore ministry opportunities in South Korea and are open to long term possibilities in that nation are welcome to join the mission trip once they are able to have their membership reactivated.

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A two-week mission trip to an active mission field designed primarily to introduce our missionaries to ministry opportunities and  service possibilities in Japan. 

Our IT teams and several Japanese churches will play hosts to all participants.  


All non-active IT missionaries desiring to explore ministry opportunities in Japan and are open to long term possibilities in that nation are welcome to join the mission trip , They are required though to have their membership status reactivated.

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We believe that the recent war in Israel will open up greater opportunities for the gospel. We are positioning ourselves for the eventual opening of their border so we could start the mission work right away.   BLESS ISRAEL is an event that combines mission and prayer.  This year, the event aims to bring focus back to the prophetic future of the chosen land of our Lord. We aim to be participants in praying for this special nation and her people .And in so doing, rekindle our hearts and revive passion back for the advancement of the Lord's kingdom to the whole world.
All non-active IT missionaries desiring to explore ministry opportunities in the Middle East and are open to long term possibilities in the nations there are welcome to join the mission trip once they are able to have their membership reactivated.
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The call for Africa has  been sounded! A prophetic message delivered to us  recently indicated  the special divine season for this continent. The doors are now wide open for our mission work.  An exciting  first quarter of the year inclusion to our Bless the World mission program. Bless Africa! is a short term mission program open only to active ITPhils missionaries. 
Bless Africa is a minimum two weeks mission trip  designed to provide our active IT missionaries with a  view and feel of Africa as they consider  long term service.  The African mission event will focus on the nations of Cameroon, Mozambique and Zambia. A partner African church will play hosts to all participants. 
All non-active IT missionaries desiring to explore ministry opportunities in Africa and are open to long term possibilities in the nations there are welcome to join the mission trip once they are able to have their membership reactivated.
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The enchanting nation of India with it's vast array of religions and spiritual beliefs of all kinds present a Christian faith challenge of huge magnitude. This trip is for the spiritually mature and  trained in spiritual warfare. There is so much wealth of spiritual experiences and  blessings that await those bold enough to take the challenge of faith that India presents.
Bless India is a minimum two weeks mission trip  designed to provide our active IT missionaries with a  view and feel of India as they consider  long term service.  A partner Indian church will play hosts to all participants. 
All non-active IT missionaries desiring to explore ministry opportunities in India and are open to long term possibilities in that nation are welcome to join the mission trip once they are able to have their membership reactivated.
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The door to our ministry in the Middle East  is now open  through the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. 

Bless Dubai is a minimum two weeks mission exposure trip designed to provide our active IT missionaries with a  view and feel of the United Arab Emirates as they consider  long term service.  Our event will piggyback on our ministry partner's first international conference to be held in Dubai  - THE RISE UP INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE.The itinerary will include participation in  RISE UP CHURCH's events and worship gatherings and a tour of the whole fabulous city of Dubai.  


All non-active IT missionaries desiring to explore ministry opportunities in Dubai and are open to long term possibilities in that nation are welcome to join the mission trip once they are able to have their membership reactivated.

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BLESS NEW ZEALAND - The latest addition to our list of exciting Bless the World Mission trips which presents various opportunities for mission work and church planting in this beautiful country. 
The initial phase cover mostly familiarization of the ministry location, country and culture briefings, and introduction to the church family and integration to the local church ministries. The succeeding weeks are programmed to provide our active IT missionaries with a clearer view and feel of New Zealand as they consider  long term service. Our missionaries in the field will handle the itinerary of the team. 

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After a long period of uncertainties due to the pandemic and other issues, we are delighted to announce the resumption of our ChIna missions program. It  is now back in our roster of nations under our Bless the World mission trips. 
BLESS CHINA! MISSIONS TRIP is a two (2) weeks mission exposure program. The trip is open only to active ITP missionaries  who intend to do an exploratory visit to determine future ministry possibilities in China. Our teams in HAINAN will play host to this short term missions program. 
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Thailand is one of the most frequented country last year under our Bless the World program. The opportunities for future mission work abound in this predominantly Buddhist nation.  Every participant of the past mission trips to this place testify of the richness of experiences they gained even for a very short period of stay there. 
BLESS THAILAND! MISSIONS TRIP is a two (2) weeks mission exposure program. The trip is open only to active ITP missionaries  who intend to do an exploratory visit to determine future ministry possibilities in THAILAND. Our teams in Bangkok & Pattaya will play host to this short term missions program. 

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The all time favorite destination during the pre-pandemic years and the country that has hosted the most number of missionaries in training and  active IT missionaries  is now doing a comeback with multiple training events to start the year 2024. 
BLESS MALAYSIA! MISSIONS TRIP is a two (2) weeks mission exposure program. The trip is open only to active ITP missionaries  who intend to do an exploratory visit to determine future ministry possibilities in MALAYSIA. Our teams in Keningau, Kota Marudo & Kota Belud will play host to this short term missions program. 

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IT missionaries are all over the place in Cambodia. The main ministry of most missionaries is children education. The short term program will surely involve opportunities to visit the schools established by our missionaries and take part in their activities. Part of the itinerary will be ministry times to the people in the poor villages where our missionaries are actively engaged in helping.
BLESS CAMBODIA! MISSIONS TRIP is a two (2) weeks mission exposure program. The trip is open only to active ITP missionaries  who intend to do an exploratory visit to determine future ministry possibilities in CAMBODIA. Our teams in Pakse, Siem Reap, Pnohm Penh  will play hosts to this short term missions program. 
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The country that houses the biggest Muslim population in the world is also the country that offers one of the biggest opportunity for the good news of hope in our Lord Jesus. The interest in mission work here is on a high level with the Indonesia team hosting successfully several of our short term mission groups last year.
BLESS INDONESIA! MISSIONS TRIP is a two (2) weeks mission exposure program. The trip is open only to active ITP missionaries  who intend to do an exploratory visit to determine future ministry possibilities in INDONESIA. Our teams in Medan and Banda Aceh will play hosts to this short term missions program. 

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Things are getting truly exciting in Vietnam. At a time when we thought that our ministry in Vietnam is about to end due to the dwindling number of missionaries there, something amazing happened. When we are about to say goodbye Vietnam, the Lord displayed another huge miracle by drawing in the most number of Vietnamese nationals who became our missionaries in just a span of a year. Our mission population now is far bigger than our two decades of work in that country. God is on the move here and participating in  a short term trip will immerse you in to the miraculous event. 
BLESS VIETNAM! MISSIONS TRIP is a two (2) weeks mission exposure program. The trip is open only to active ITP missionaries  who intend to do an exploratory visit to determine future ministry possibilities in VIETNAM. Our teams in SAIGON and HANOI will play hosts to this short term missions program. 
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Things are getting better for our Taiwan missions when the Taiwanese government decided to extend the visa free privilege for visitors from the Philippines. Our previous conferences here were all amazing and so memorable. The place offers so much mission opportunities to those who are willing to invest their lives here. 
BLESS TAIWAN! MISSIONS TRIP is a two (2) weeks mission exposure program. The trip is open only to active ITP missionaries  who intend to do an exploratory visit to determine future ministry possibilities in TAIWAN. Our team in TAIPEI will play host to this short term missions program. 

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One of the least known nation in our Southeast Asian mission map is also the least frequented country by our missionaries. With a fewer number of missionaries sharing the gospel, the nation is more hungry for the truth. This scenrio opens up more opportunities to bring people to the Lord. Our teams are in the children education ministry having estabkished their own respective schools. The short term mission will include participation in supporting their school programs and reaching out to the poor in their area of ministry.  
BLESS LAOS! MISSIONS TRIP is a two (2) weeks mission exposure program. The trip is open only to active ITP missionaries  who intend to do an exploratory visit to determine future ministry possibilities in LAOS. Our teams in PAKSE will play hosts to this short term missions program. 

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The long wait is finally over! We are doing a short term mission program in the United States of America this year. This is a different program from our previous Global Security Workshops. The team will be serving alongside our US partner churches. Length of stay will depend on mutually agreed itinerary for the group. 
BLESS USA! MISSIONS TRIP is a three (3) weeks to three (3) months mission exposure program. The trip is open only to active ITP missionaries  who intend to do an exploratory visit to determine future ministry possibilities in the USA.  Our US partner churches will play hosts to this short term missions program. 

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BLESS AUSTRALIA is making a comeback this year! After an absence of five years, we are excited to see the nation back on our list of Bless the World destination for Year 2024. 
BLESS AUSTRALIA MISSIONS TRIP is a two (2) weeks to one (1) month mission exposure program. The trip is open only to active ITP missionaries  who intend to do an exploratory visit to determine future ministry possibilities in the Australia.  The team will be visiiting our long term missionaries there to provide encouragement and missionary care . They will be introduced to the missionary life and ministries in the nation known as  "down under". 

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(with ACCESS 2 Training) 

The recent growth in the number of non-Filipino ITeams Missionaries from different parts of the world necessitated the inclusion of the Philippines as a mission destination for our Access 2 mission program. THe Philippine island has so much to offer to those who wish to complete the required mission training prior to membership.  This program is open only to non-Filipinos who desire to complete their Access2 in the Philippines.
BLESS THE PHILIPPINES MISSIONS TRIP is a two (2) weeks to one (1) month mission exposure program which includes ACCESS 2 Mission Training. The trip is open only to non-Filipino Missionaries in Training, who have competed their ACCESS 1 (w/ Revitalized Missions) and IT missionaries from other nations  who intend to do an exploratory visit to determine future ministry possibilities in the Philippines.  

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Bless The World Meeting
MARCH 6 @ 6pm

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8th CUTTING EDGE INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2025  A culminating event for church pastors and leaders who have participated in any Cutting Edge Leadership Training. Dynamic Christian speakers and top business and church leaders will be sharing their expertise and know how's  in the area of leadership and management in the context of faith and church ministries.

ACCESS 2: NOV. 22-26 , 2025

The gathering assures to provide the participants with a wealth of new insights and understanding on how to run a church, a mission team, a business  or any organization in a top level way; in a manner that will truly be God honoring and church strengthening. 

The conference is open to non-IT missionaries who are sponsored by an IT member and must be of the same faith. 




A culminating event for everyone who have participated in our Global Tentmakers Seminars.

CONFERENCE : JULY 23 - 25, 2025

ACCESS 2 MISSIONS: JULY 26 -30, 2025


The following topics will highlight the conference program :



Field practitioners and senior missionaries who have an extensive experience in the area of tentmaking will be sharing their expertise and know how's in the area of tent making, business as missions. and marketplace ministries.


The conference is open to non-IT missionaries who are sponsored by an IT member and must be of the same faith. 

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We are still overflowing with gratitude to the Lord for the success of our 14th East Asia Regional Conference 2024 in .MALAYSIA .  It was truly awesome!!!

And now here comes another one …


It was TAIWAN  for Yr 2023 and MALAYSIA on Year 2024. Now it's THAILAND'S  turn to host our exciting EARC missions event! The results of our past year's conferences  were so remarkable that the clamour for another missions  event resounded loudly. So, with great joy we officially announce THAILAND as the venue for our 2025 Regional Conference and gathering of IT eagles.



Please register online for your name to be included in our conference database. All registered participants will receive regular conference info packs detailing budget, accommodation, venue, conference program, post-conference trips etc . You may also contact Kathy Merencillo@ 09329085347, 09157192663 for event info, and registration assistance. You may also send a private message to her FB account: Katherine Merencillo.

Endorsement of an IT missionary is required for those who are not members of International Teams.

The cost of flights are still unbelievably low. Take advantage of the promo fares by booking early.

We declared with one voice at our conferences …”We’ll KEEP ON MOVING FORWARD!!!”   Let’s go … IT global eagles!!!

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GLOBAL SECURITY & MCare Workshops 

This workshop is open to a limited  number of participants only.  A higher degree of maturity in mission work is required . And a high level of commitment and involvement in mission security risk environment will be considered in the choice of who gets to participate in this special security and risk  management training.  The workshops will be held in Emelo in the Netherlands.  Training dates will be discussed during the visa processing meetings. Those who will successfully complete the training will  officially be members  of  the Global Security Team of  International teams Philippines. 

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GLOBAL INTERCESSORS Prayer initiative which plans to bring intercessors to several countries in Southeast Asia to pray and interceed  for the people in those nations. This years prayer journey will start on a 3 days prayer focused event in Benh Tanh area in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. After the prayer activities in Vietnam , the team will move on to bordering countries with the goal of  praying and sharing the gospel to the people of those nations. The team will be in Siem Reap, Cambodia on April 5 for the Global Intercessors Prayer Gathering. 

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The Southeast Asia Mission Workshops is a one week long mission exposure trip outside of the country. This is the second and last stage of the ACCESS MISSION training program and is the final prerequisite for acceptance to the IT Phils. organization. It will be held in any of the following countries: Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, Singapore & Vietnam. There are times when it will be held outside of SEAsia when it is piggybacked to an international conference. This year, Taiwan was considered to be the venue for one of our ACCESS 2 training.  


This stage allows the trainee to experience, in a small degree, what it’s like to prepare for and go on actual service in the mission field. This is accomplished in coordination with an existing team in the field which serves as both host and mentor to the trainee during the exposure trip. They are the ones who will also determine the participants suitability for actual mission work and recommend full acceptance (or denial) to the IT Phils organization. This stage allows the trainee to experience, in a small degree, what it's like to prepare for and go on actual service on the mission field. This is accomplished in coordination with an existing team in the field which serves as both host and mentor to the trainee during the exposure trip.

Only after successfully completing the two phases of ACCESS TRAINING can a trainee be officially accepted as a full-fledged ITP missionary, qualified for long term deployment in the mission field.

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